There’s lots of different ways that you can get support with the cost of childcare. If you claim Working Tax Credits or Universal Credit, you can get additional help for childcare.
If you don’t get Working Tax Credits or Universal Credit, the Tax-Free Childcare scheme can help lower your childcare costs.
The Childcare Choices website can help you check what childcare support is available to you.
Are you eligible for Free Childcare for your Two-year old?
More than half of Barnsley’s two-year olds are eligible for up to 15 hours a week free early education. This means that your child could come to our playgroup without you having to pay.
You need to meet the eligibility criteria. There’s lots of information on the Barnsley Family Information Service website and that’s where you apply too.
Once you have applied, if you are eligible, you get a letter that you need to bring along to Station House as soon as you get it. We call the letter the ‘Tick Letter’ because it’ll have a big green tick on it if you can receive this support.
Not eligible? Don’t worry. You can still access a place at Station House. You child’s playgroup place will be discounted thanks to the generosity of our funders. You may also be eligible for additional support through the Childcare Choices scheme.
Confused? Don’t be! Talk to our friendly team and we’ll point you in the right direction for support.