Station House Hand Book for under 5s

Parents Handbook – Playgroup – April 2016

Opening times

Term Time Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9.30-12.30 am
School Holidays no service available

Parents and carers must not leave their children before their session start time. Children must be collected promptly at the end of the session. Any infringement will incur an additional charge of £10.


Every child must have a completed consent form before attending any session. All bookings must be made via the office, Please do not send messages with staff and volunteers from outside of Station House.


If you no longer require your place you must give 5 working days notice.
When parents suspend bookings for holidays or other reasons the place will only be held over for two weeks per year. After this time the place still be required full payment must be made.


All sessions booked must be paid for
All cheques should be made payable to SHCA Ltd
Payments can also be made by online banking or cash

Stage one: Payment expected on attendance
Stage two: 5 working days later reminder issued
Stage three: 5 working days later final demand issued—suspension of services
Stage four: 5 working days later referred to County Court with the addition of a £30 admin fee and court costs

Any service user who has reached stage four will only be allowed to resume service with full up front payments.

Any additional bank charges incurred by SHCA due to returned cheques will be charged to the users account.

If you are experiencing any difficulties with payments please contact the office ASAP

What you can expect from us:

We focus on the importance of play at all times
Interesting snacks and drinks included in the cost.
Water and fruit is always on offer to the children
Honest and fair feedback about your child’s time spent with us
Courtesy and respect
Fair treatment for all

What we expect from you

Please send you child appropriately dressed for messy play, including outdoor clothes (we often play outside even on cold days)

Your child’s own toys are precious to them: please leave them at home to avoid any disputes
Respect and courtesy to staff, volunteers and other service users
Support with implementing our behaviour rules
Prompt payment.


In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service we have a complaints procedure. In the first instance please speak to the person involved or his/her line manager. If satisfaction is not reached please speak or write to the project manager.

To request a full copy of the procedure please contact the office.

There is a copy on display on the porch notice board.