We are inspected on a regular basis to ensure that all our services are safe, support learning and development, and well managed. Each report highlights what we do well and suggests areas that could do with further improvement. This helps us continually improve our services.

When any establishment is inspected we get judged on a number of areas, and it can be classified as requires improvement, good or outstanding. Where there are concerns it is classed as inadequate.

Our work with parents and carers is essential for us to achieve this so any comments, help and support is more than welcome.

Ofsted report 2023

You can view the Ofsted report from 2023 below in PDF format, it will open a new page.

Jan 2023 Ofsted Report

The report says we have the following strengths:

  • The children are eager and ready to learn when at the setting. They have the freedom to explore and flow between both rooms to play and learn.
  • Staff help to allow children to engage in activities and speak with new vocabularies to teach the children and expand their personal vocabulary.
  • A high priority at Station House is the children’s communication and language development, in which adults will model these skills by asking questions, commenting on something a child has said and more. Staff in the setting read to children in small groups to enhance their vocabulary, and do so with high levels of excitement to encourage the children’s love for books, whilst developing their language skills.
  • We have a strong leadership team in which staff members are highly committed and are passionate about their role therefore improves the outcomes for the children.  The staff members are always working with a range of professionals in order to ensure their skills are up to date to provide the best practice they can.