Under 5s Application Form

    Playgroup Application Form

    All fields are required.

    Child’s name

    Parent/carers name

    House Number & Street



    Post code

    Your Email

    Your Phone Number

    Your Mobile Number

    Childs date of birth

    Preferred Sessions

    Sessions times are 9.30am - 12.30pm.
    Please select from the list.

    Preferred sessions are subject to availability.

    Most of our families are eligible to a fully funded place: in addition to the 2 year funding for families on a very low income there is funding for working parents. We only offer 15hrs per week. To check eligibility please check on www.childcarechoices.gov.uk. If you are eligible and have a funding code please put you code here:

    If you don't have a code yet don’t worry you can still apply to be on our waiting list.